November 2018 Vol 9, NO 11

Comprehensive oncology care management builds on expert clinical support and coordinated services but lacks a community focus during critical phases of the cancer journey.
Lymphoma has the highest prevalence among all cancer types in Taiwan. Care coordination has received increased attention because it critically affects patient safety and care quality across services.
Colorectal cancer is the cancer with the highest prevalence in Taiwan. Care coordination has received increased attention because it critically affects patient safety and care quality across services.
Multidisciplinary care conferences for lung cancer patients have been linked to both increased quality of care and timeliness of care.
As oncology programs demonstrate positive patient outcomes associated with oncology nurse navigation, new specialized permutations of the role are being developed to address distinct gaps in care.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overall cancer death rates went up among AI/AN men and women from 1990 to 2009, while overall cancer death rates went down among white men during this time, and among white women from 1993 to 1998 and 2001 to 2009.
Caregivers are instrumental to the health and well-being of gynecologic cancer patients and assume many roles associated with managing care: communication with healthcare providers, aiding in symptom management, and providing emotional and physical (eg, transportation, home care tasks) support.
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