Patient Navigation

Coordinating care; overcoming patient, provider, and health system barriers; and reducing delays across the care continuum have been long-standing challenges for healthcare managers.
Most navigators are familiar with the large national patient advocacy organizations that provide various resources for patients that can expedite our ability to reduce barriers impeding diagnosis and treatment, but there are actually additional resources that you may not be aware of that I want to tell you about. These resources are from pharmaceutical companies and other device and laboratory testing companies.
Patient navigation emerged 2 decades ago, with numerous articles reporting cancer care outcomes from the patient perspective, but its effect on improving organizational outcomes requires further research.
As healthcare professionals who work with people living with cancer, we often see patients when they are most vulnerable.
Patient navigation (PN) in cancer care refers to the individualized care provided to the breast cancer patients, families, and caregivers to ease multiple barriers and facilitate timely access to qualified medical and psychosocial care.
Patient navigation in cancer care refers to the individualized care provided to breast cancer patients, families, and caregivers to ease multiple barriers and facilitate timely access to qualified medical and psychosocial care.
A collaborative approach to patient navigation that involves both clinical and community navigators can ensure that the final navigation program reflects the needs of your particular institution, according to Linda Fleisher, PhD, MPH, assistant vice president of Health Communications and Health Disparities at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia.
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