Opportunities Abound in the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators

How Will You Get Involved in Your Academy in 2023?

Lillie D. Shockney, RN, BS, MAS, HON-ONN-CG
Co-Founder, AONN+; Editor, JONS; University Distinguished Service Professor of Breast Cancer, Professor of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Co-Developer, Work Stride-Managing Cancer at Work, Johns Hopkins Healthcare Solutions

Dear Navigators, Social Workers, Administrators, and Clinical Staff,

Welcome to a new year of opportunities offered by your Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators (AONN+)!

Your membership in this organization dedicated exclusively to the navigation of oncology patients gives you access to multiple resources and opportunities. Please allow me to whet your appetite for your professional development in 2023. Have you considered:

Joining a Local Navigator Network (LNN)? You can join or start an AONN+-supported LNN. This is a great way to connect with other navigators in your area. See our LNN's by clicking here

Signing up for the BOLD Mentorship Academy? Yes! AONN+ is hosting a mentorship program where new navigators can receive mentoring and seasoned navigators can share their knowledge. See our article about this program by clicking here

Submitting a CATCH? Tell us about the navigation tactics that improve the lives of your patients and be recognized. See our article with this month’s CATCH recipient clicking here

Attending an AONN+ conference? Save the date for our midyear conference in Orlando, FL, at the Omni ChampionsGate, May 17-21; and the annual conference in San Antonio, TX, at the JW Marriott, November 15-19.


Lillie D. Shockney, RN, BS, MAS, HON-ONN-CG

Editor-in-Chief, JONS

University Distinguished Service Professor of Breast Cancer; Professor of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Co-Developer of Work Stride: Managing Cancer at Work, Johns Hopkins Healthcare Solutions; Co-Founder of AONN+; Co-Founder of the Association of Chronic & Complex Care Nurse Navigators (ACCCNN).

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AONN+ Initiatives Page

AONN+-supported professional development opportunities

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Last modified: August 10, 2023

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