Coordination of Care/Care Transitions

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overall cancer death rates went up among AI/AN men and women from 1990 to 2009, while overall cancer death rates went down among white men during this time, and among white women from 1993 to 1998 and 2001 to 2009.
Caregivers are instrumental to the health and well-being of gynecologic cancer patients and assume many roles associated with managing care: communication with healthcare providers, aiding in symptom management, and providing emotional and physical (eg, transportation, home care tasks) support.
Appalachia ranges from southern New York to Mississippi and includes areas with pronounced health disparities, poverty, and elevated rates of cancer and other chronic diseases.
With clinic space becoming a premium at the University of Arizona Cancer Center (UACC), oncology nurse navigators (ONNs) sought an alternative method to connect with all newly diagnosed patients for a time period that was sufficient to introduce the navigation process and conduct a barrier assessment.
The oncology nurse navigator (ONN) team at our academically affiliated community cancer center offers comprehensive navigation across treatment modalities from prediagnosis through survivorship care for patients with a variety of malignancies.
According to the Institute of Medicine report, evidence demonstrates the need for patient education due to the complexity of cancer care.
Breast cancer is the number one diagnosed cancer in Nigeria. Sadly, 75% of the breast cancer diagnoses in Nigeria are discovered in the latter stages of the cancer—stage III and stage IV.
VCU Health identified a need in the unique and acute population of patients who have leukemia and lymphoma. The leukemia and lymphoma nurse navigator (LLNN) position was created to help close the gaps in care of this population. The role has developed and changed over the years to meet the specific needs of the patients and institution.
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