
In the ongoing phase 2 ADJUBIL study, the clinical activity of immunotherapies durvalumab and tremelimumab with or without capecitabine is being assessed in patients with resectable biliary tract cancer in the adjuvant setting.
This phase 2 basket study investigated the combination of tucatinib and trastuzumab as second-line treatment for patients with HER2-positive biliary tract cancer.
To improve survival in patients with biliary tract cancer, researchers are studying combinations of immunotherapy and poly-ADP ribose polymerase inhibitors; the BilT-02 study is summarized.
Researchers present preliminary findings from the HERIZON-BTC-01 study, which investigated zanidatamab’s efficacy in patients with HER2-positive biliary tract cancer.
In a subanalysis of the STAMP trial, circulating tumor DNA was assessed for its clinical effectiveness in detecting molecular residual disease in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
In patients with biliary tract cancer, EGFR amplifications and FGFR3 fusions may serve as important predictive biomarkers and as potential targets for anticancer therapy in the future.
An analysis of circulating tumor DNA–based comprehensive genomic profiling to detect actionable rearrangements in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies was presented by Pashtoon Kasi, MD, MS.
Two phase 1a/1b dose-escalation/expansion trials investigated the efficacy and safety of MDM2-p53 antagonist BI 907828 in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer.
CTX-009 in combination with paclitaxel showed encouraging efficacy in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer.
Gunagratinib is being investigated in an ongoing phase 2a dose-expansion study in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
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