AONN+ Conference Abstracts

This study was designed to identify changes in patient knowledge and anxiety levels following implementation of planned prechemotherapy education sessions.
We ask, “How can nurse navigators better educate disparate populations about breast health and cancer screening at home and abroad?”
Cancer patients and caregivers often have significant psychosocial and informational needs. Many healthcare providers and navigators make referrals to educational and support resources, but how well are the concerns of those affected actually being met?
Communication gaps between HCPs and MBC patients must be addressed to improve the patient experience. Patients likely overestimate their knowledge about their breast cancer subtype.
Specific oral chemotherapy (defect-free) indicators include a documented plan for oral chemotherapy, education, and monitoring for toxicities. Data abstracted in 2014 demonstrated opportunity for improvement in all 3 categories. Our goal was to improve compliance with oral chemotherapy standards measured through QOPI.
Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients receive an overwhelming amount of information at the time of diagnosis, with most of the information transferred through oral conversations and abstract medical terminology that’s difficult for patients to understand.
Cancer patients choose multiple ways to afford their treatment, which may include making the decisions to not fill prescriptions, not take medications as prescribed, or change their lifestyle to choose groceries instead of treatment.
Research suggests that medication adherence improves quality of life. This study explored the influence of social support (SS) on the relationship between comorbidity medication adherence (CMA) and health-related quality of life for patients with cancer.
The objective of this analysis was to investigate whether traveling long distances to a cancer treatment facility increased self-reported distress among veterans treated for head and neck cancer.
Nursing navigators spend up to 50% of their time identifying cancer patients. Manual identification of cancer patients in an EMR system is time consuming and not standardized.
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